Rose Bouquet Needlepoint Pillow


The rich tones of raspberry are a delightful contrast with the lighter tones of peach in this dainty bouquet of roses. Stitched entirely in petit point, this decorative needlepoint pillow is the perfect choice for the touch of elegance that every home needs. It is trimmed with small multicolored flowers and bordered in tassels of alternating shades of green. It measures a versatile 18″ X 18″.

SKU: NP-14-HP-3945 Category:


The rich tones of raspberry are a delightful contrast with the lighter tones of peach in this dainty bouquet of roses. Stitched entirely in petit point, this decorative needlepoint pillow is the perfect choice for the touch of elegance that every home needs. It is trimmed with small multicolored flowers and bordered in tassels of alternating shades of green. It measures a versatile 18″ X 18″.

Additional information

Dimensions 18 × 18 in